Thursday 11 September 2014

Sukkira Bhagawan

Kanjanur Sthala Varalaru, dosham & remedial measures

The presiding deity Agneeswarar is the embodiment of Sukran. Sukrachariar was the Guru of asuras. He had got the blessings from Lord Siva after severe penances. In the Vamana Avataram of Lord Vishnu, Vamana sought three foot steps of land from Mahabali, an asura king. Realising Vamana to be no mere mortal, Sukrachariyar assumed the form of a bee and tried to block the flow of water from the kamandalam. Vamana picking up a pavithram blinds Sukracharya in one eye while trying to unclog the hole in the kamandalam.

Sukracharyar has the prowess to bring the dead to living by virtue of his knowledge of Amirtha Sanjeevini Mantra. Using this mantra, in the asura war against the devas, he revived the slain asuras. This helped the asura army swell. The devas prayed to Lord Siva for help, who swallowed up Sukracharya in a fit of rage. After residing in Lord SIva's stomach in a siddha state, he emerged from Lord Siva's stomach.

Sukra endows those who pray to him with wealth, pleasure, wife, prosperity, vehicles. He is the next most beneficial planet after Guru. If in a person's horoscope, Sukra is well placed, then the person will enjoy pleasure, beautiful wife, wealth, house, vehicle, good food, fame, love, affection, marraige, siblings, governmental help, chance to govern the country/state and hold influential status.

If in a bad position, the ward will experience a family devoid of love and ties, bad life, enimity amongst family and friends, Kalathira dosham. By praying to Sukra these problems could be mitigated. Wife, arts, sculpture, love, vehicles are the beneficial aspects of Sukra.

The sthalam of Sukra Bhagavan is Kanjanur, which is located 3kms from Suryanar koil, enroute to Mayavaram. His wives are Subakirthi, Sundari and Sringini. The presiding deity are Agneeswarar and his consort Iswari. He is the Lord of Rishaba and Thula Rasi and faces East direction. The Adi Devatha is Indra's physician. His colour is white; his vahana is the crocodile; the grain associated with him is mochai; the flower - white lotus; fabric - white cloth; gem - diamond; food - rice mixed with mochai powder. 

rAga: pharaj / tAla: khaNDa aTa

shrIshukrabhagavantaM cintayAmi santataM sakalatattvajhnam

he shukrabhagavan mAm Ashu pAlaya vRSatulAdhIsha daityahitopadesham keshavakaTAkSaikanetraM kirITadharaM dhavalagAtram

viMshativatSaroDudashavibhAgam aSTavargaM kaviM kalatrakArakaM ravinirjaraguruvairiNaM navAMshahorAdrekkANAdivargottamavasarasamaye vakroccanIcasvakSetravarakendramUlatrikoNe trimshAMshasaSTyAMshairavatAMshaparijAtAMshagopurAMsharAjayogakArakaM rAjuapradaM guruguhamudam


I always meditate upon the God Shukra, the knower of all truths[1].

Rescue me quickly Oh Shukra, Lord of the houses of Tula and Vrisa[2], and sound counsellor to all demons. Whose one eye was safeguarded by the grace of Kesava[3], who is the wearer of the crown and of white substance.

Whose beneficial influence on the various constellations is for the duration of twenty years[4], one having eight vargas[5], the poet, beneficent planet for marital bliss[6], inimical to Surya and Brhaspati, who while in navamsha, hora, drekana[7], vakra[8], nicaj[9], ucca[10], svaksetra[11], varakendra[12], and in the mulatrikone[13] ... and while in the different amshas, trimsamsha[14], sastyamsha[15], airavatamsha, pariyatamsha, gopuramsha[16], bestows royalty and kingdoms and delights Guruguha.


Although the preceptor of the demons, Shukra was a Brahmin and as such a repository of the knowledge of the Vedas. When Kaca broke out from Shukra's stomach after having been burnt and pulverized by the demons and consumed with wine which was drunk by Shukra, Kaca saw the pile of Vedic knowledge which was the fallen dead man. With the secret formula for reviving the dead he caused him to come to life again. Kaca then bowed to his Guru and said, "The Guru is the giver of unsurpassed truth, the treasury of the four-fold riches of knowledge, worthy of respect. Those who do not respect him go to the bottomless evil worlds."
Constellations Libra and Taurus
A name for Vishnu; Shukra lost one of his eyes when Vishnu appearing as Vamana, his fifth incarnation, thrust Mahabali a demon down to the netherworld and Shukra tried to obstruct it.
ref. to ududasha system in which each planet presides over a particular period (dasha) of time. According to Mantreshvara these are: Surya 6 years, Chandra 10, Mangala 7, Rahu 18, Brhaspati 16, Shani 19, Budha 17, Ketu 7 and Shukra 20. Each of these main periods is divided into smaller sub-periods (bhuktis) and each sub-period is divided into smaller periods (antara). The antara are again subdivided into antarantaras, and so on until the swara or the period necessary for the inhaling and exhaling of breath is reached. Thus the planets individually and collectively exercise controls over all time-spans of existence.
ref. to astavarga, a system of ongoing horoscopy; pertaining to this system Pingree gives the following account: "As described in the Yavanajataka this system is identical with the Western theory of the revolution of the years of the nativity in which one uses the transits of the planets through the places they occupied at the original of the birth-horoscope.... The basic idea is to cast a new horoscope at the end of each year, month, day or other appropriate time-interval of the native's life and to compare it with the horoscope at his birth.... Transit is the entry of a planet into a sign occupied by a particular planet in the birth-horoscope."
Love, one of the principles of existence (sattvani), is assigned to Shukra. ", love, knowledge, speech, truthfullness, ignorance and mind; they pervade respectively the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and the Moon." [Yavanajataka I-112]
These terms refer to measurements of arc as determined from the first point of Aries, the 'vernal equinox'. This is the point at which the path of the Sun crosses from the South to the North of the celestial equator. All measurements are made on the ecliptic. Navamsha is 1/9th of 30 degrees = 3 degrees 20 mintues; hora is 1/2 of 30 degrees = 15 degrees; drekana is 1/3 of 30 degrees = 10 degrees.
Retrograde motion of planet
(lit. 'in a low position') dejection
(lit. 'high' or 'elevated') position of exaltation; this is located 180 degrees opposite from the position of dejection
The ruling houses of Shukra, Libra and Taurus
The best cardines; of the 12 places on the Zodiac, cardines 1, 4, 7 and 10
Base-triplicity; "the mulatrikonas of Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are, in order, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Saggitarius and Aquarius."
one degree
one half degree
These terms refer to particular combinations of the vargas for the planets. According to the 10 varga (dashavarga) system, Mantreshvara says "whether a planet is in its friendly house, its own house, or in its exaltation house, a combination of 2 vargas is called pariyatamsha, that of 4 is called gopuramsha, that of 6 airavatamsha."

Propitiation of Venus (Friday)

CHARITY: Donate silk clothes, dairy cream, yogurt, scented oils, sugar, cow dung, or camphor to a poor young woman on Friday evening.

FASTING: On Friday, especially during Venus transits and major or minor Venus periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Friday at sunrise, especially during major or minor Venus periods: Shukra-astottara-shata-nama-vali

(The 108 names of Shukra)

Aum shukraya namah

Aum shucaye' namah

Aum shubha-gunaya namah

Aum shubha-daya namah

Aum shubha-laksanaya namah

Aum shobhanaksaya namah

Aum shubravahaya namah

Aum shuddhasphadikabhasvaraya namah

Aum dinartiharakaya namah

Aum daitya-gurave' namah

Aum deva-abhivanditaya namah

Aum kavya-asaktaya namah

Aum kama-palaya namah

Aum kavaye' namah

Aum kalyana-dayakaya namah

Aum bhadra-murtaye' namah

Aum bhadra-gunaya namah

Aum bhargavaya namah

Aum bhakta-palanaya namah

Aum bhoga-daya namah

Aum bhuvana-adhyaksaya namah

Aum bhukti-mukti-phala-pradaya namah

Aum caru-shilaya namah

Aum caru-rupaya namah

Aum caru-candra-nibhananaya namah

Aum nidhaye' namah

Aum nikhila-shastra-jnaya namah

Aum niti-vidya-dhuram-dharaya namah

Aum sarva-laksana-sampannaya namah

Aum sarva-vaguna-varjitaya namah

Aum samana-adikanir-muktaya namah

Aum sakala-gamaparagaya namah

Aum bhrigave' namah

Aum bhoga-karaya namah

Aum bhumi-sura-palana-tat-paraya namah

Aum manasvine namah

Aum manadaya namah

Aum manyaya namah

Aum mayatitaya namah

Aum maha-yashase' namah

Aum bali-prasannaya namah

Aum abhaya-daya namah

Aum baline namah

Aum satya-parakramaya namah

Aum bhavapasha-parityagaya namah

Aum bali-bandha-vimocakaya namah

Aum ghana-shayaya namah

Aum ghana-adhyaksaya namah

Aum kambhugrivaya namah

Aum kala-dharaya namah

Aum karunya-rasa-sampurnaya namah

Aum kalyana-guna-varddhanaya namah

Aum shvetambaraya namah

Aum svetavapushe' namah

Aum catur-bhuja-samanvitaya namah

Aum akshamala-dharaya namah

Aum acintyaya namah

Aum akshinagunabha-asuraya namah

Aum nashatra-gana-samcaraya namah

Aum nayadaya namah

Aum niti-marga-daya namah

Aum barsha-pradaya namah

Aum hrishikeshaya namah

Aum klesha-nasha-karaya namah

Aum kavaye namah

Aum cintitarya-pradaya namah

Aum shanta-mataye' namah

Aum citta-samadhi-krite' namah

Aum adhi-vyadhi-haraya namah

Aum bhurivikramaya namah

Aum punya-dayakaya namah

Aum purana-purushaya namah

Aum pujyaya namah

Aum puruhuta-adi-sannutaya namah

Aum ajeyaya namah

Aum vijitarataye' namah

Aum vividha-bharanojjvalaya namah

Aum kunda-pushpa-pratikashaya namah

Aum mandahasaya namah

Aum maha-mataye' namah

Aum mukta-phala-samanabhaya namah

Aum mukti-daya namah

Aum munisannutaya namah

Aum ratna-simhasana-rudaya namah

Aum rathasthaya namah

Aum rajataprabhaya namah

Aum surya-pragdesha-samcaraya namah

Aum sura-shatru-suhride' namah

Aum kavaye' namah

Aum tula-avrishabharashishaya namah

Aum durddharaya namah

Aum dharma-palakaya namah

Aum bhagyadaya namah

Aum bhavya-caritraya namah

Aum bhavapasha-vimotrakaya namah

Aum gauda-desh-eshvaraya namah

Aum goptre namah

Aum gunite namah

Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah

Aum jyeshtha-nakshatra-sambhutaya namah

Aum jyeshthaya namah

Aum shreshthaya namah

Aum shuci-smitaya namah

Aum apavarga-pradaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum santana-phala-dayakaya namah

Aum sarva-ishvarya-pradaya namah

Aum sarva-girvanaganasannutaya namah

Shukra seed mantra: Aum dram drim draum sah shukraya namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Shukra is propitiated increasing riches and conjugal bliss.

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