Wednesday 10 September 2014

Surya Bhagavan

Suryanarkoil Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures

Kalava Munivar had foreseen his future and relised that he would suffer from leprosy. He prayed to the Navagrahas, who being pleased with his devotion absolved him of the disease. Brahma Deva on realising that the Navagrahas were granting boons, instead of aspecting a person as per his/her good and bad deeds, condemned them to suffer from leprosy and banished them to earth.

The Navagrahas realising their mistake, pleaded for mercy. Brahma adviced them to seek the blessings of Lord Siva and his consort Uma Devi residing at Thirumangalakudi, after bathing in the holy river, Cauvery. He adviced them to consume only curd rice laid on Velerukku leaf.

Lord Siva, pleased with their devotion absolved them of their sins and decried that there will be nine sannadhis for the navagrahas in the Suryanar temple (this is the only temple where all the navagrahas are present with separate sannadhis) and those who pray here will get relief from their problems.

Those who suffer the ill effects of Kalathara Dosham, Vivaha Paribandha Dosham, Puthra Dosham, Puthra Paribandha Dosham, Vidhya Paribandha Dosham, Udyoga Padhibandha Dosham, Surya dasai, Surya bukthi would benefit from worshipping at this temple. Father, Athma, physical strength, right eye, governmental largesse are the beneficial aspects of this planet.

The Suryanar temple is located 12kms from Kumbakonam enroute to Mayavaram. Surya's wives are Usha, Prathyusha. The presiding deities are Puranavaradheeswarar and his consort Mangalanayaki. Surya is the Lord of Simma Rasi and occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas. The adidevatha is Agni, prathyutha Devatha - Rudran. His colour is red and his vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The grain associated with his is wheat; the flower - lotus, yerukku; fabric - red clothes; gem - ruby; food - wheat, rava, chakkara pongal.

sUryamUrte namOstu te sundaracchAyAdhipate

kAryakAraNAtmakajagatprAkasha simhArAshyadhipate AryavinutatejassphUrte ArogyAdiphaladakIrte

sArasamitra mitra bhAno sahasrakiraNa karNasUno krUrapApaharakRshAno guruguhamoditasvabhAno sUrijaneDita sudinamaNe somAdigrahashikhAmaNe dhIrAcita karmasAkSiNe divyatarasaptAshvarathine saurAStArNamantrAtmane sauvarNasvarUpAtmane bhAratIshahariharAtmane bhuktimuktivitaraNAtmane


Salutations Oh Lord in the form of Surya, the Lord of the beautiful Chaya[1].

Oh illuminator of all infinite causes and effects in the world, the Lord of Simha rasi[2]. One whose effulgent lustre has been praised by those of highest esteem, the bestower of benefits such as good health.

Friend to the day-lotus, a friend to all, the most resplendent one, the thousand-rayed, the father of Karna[3], the fire swallowing dreadful sins[4], whose brilliance has delighted Guruguha[5], one who is praised by the learned, the auspicious day-jewel, crest-jewel to Chandra and other planets, worshipped by the energetic, the witness to all actions, one who has the chariot drawn by the seven divine horses[6]. One whose principle nature is embedded in the eight-syllabled hymn of praise[7], who is of golden hue, of the nature of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva[8], and who confers material benefits and spiritual emancipation.


(lit. 'shadow'), a substitute form of Samjna, wife of Surya, who assumed this disguise to escape the heat of her husband
Constellation Leo
Hero of the Mahabharata who having sided with the Kauravas against the Pandavas was killed by Arjuna at the battle of Kuruksetra
The power of the Vedas radiates forth in the form of Surya, this power illuminates all darkness and destroys the sins of the worlds.
A name for Subramanya (Skanda), son of Shiva who became the teacher of the Gods [also Dikshitar's "pen name"]
This theme appears in numerous passages of the Vedas. The Sun-temples of India are constructed along this theme, the most famous being the Konarak temple in Orissa. The symbolism of the seven horses has been explained in different ways; relating to the seven days of the week, to the seven sacred metres of verse , and to the seven colors of the solar spectrum. The seven horses at Konarak are named after these colors: Rakta (red), Rocika (orange), Pita (yellow), Nila (blue), Indra-nila (deep blue), Mocika (violet) and Shukla (white).
ref. to the 'gayatri' hymn addressed to the Vedic solar god Savitr: "May we attain that excellent glory of Savitr the god, so we may stimulate our prayers." This is the most sacred of Hindu hymns and is recited daily by all Brahmins.
Surya is considered to be a manifestation of Vishnu, from whom all Gods were created. On rising he appears in the form of Brahma (creator), at mid-day as Vishnu (preserver) and on setting as Rudra (dissolution). This theme has its roots in the Vedic myth of Vishnu taking three steps over the universe: "I will declare the mighty deeds of Vishnu, of him who measured out the earthly regions. Who propped the highest place of congregation, thrice setting down his footstep, widely striding

CHARITY: Donate wheat, or sugar candy to a middle aged male government leader at 12:00 noon on a Sunday.

FASTING: On Sundays, especially during Sun transits and major or minor Sun periods.


(The 108 names of Surya)

Aum arunaya namah

Aum sharanyaya namah

Aum karuna-rasa-sindhave namah

Aum asmanabalaya namah

Aum arta-raksa-kaya namah

Aum adityaya namah

Aum adi-bhutaya namah

Aum akhila-gamavedine namah

Aum acyutaya namah

Aum akhilagnaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum inaya namah Aum

visva-rupaya namah

Aum ijyaya namah

Aum indraya namah

Aum bhanave Namah

Aum indriramandiraptaya namah

Aum vandaniyaya namah

Aum ishaya namah

Aum suprasannaya namah

Aum sushilaya namah

Aum suvarcase namah

Aum vasupradaya namah

Aum vasave namah

Aum vasudevaya namah

Aum ujjvalaya namah

Aum ugra-rupaya namah

Aum urdhvagaya namah

Aum vivasvate namah

Aum udhatkiranajalaya namah

Aum hrishikesaya namah

Aum urjasvalaya namah

Aum viraya namah

Aum nirjaraya namah

Aum jayaya namah

Aum urudvayavirnimuktanijasarakrashivandyaya namah

Aum rugdhantre namah

Aum kraksacakracaraya namah

Aum krajusvabhavavittaya namah

Aum nityastutyaya namah

Aum krukaramatrikavarnarupaya ujjvalatejase namah

Aum kruksadhinathamitraya namah

Aum pushakaraksaya namah

Aum luptadantaya namah

Aum shantaya namah

Aum kantidaya namah

Aum dhanaya namah

Aum kanatkanaka sushanaya namah

Aum khalotaya namah

Aum lunit-akhila-daityaya namah

Aum satya-ananda-svarupine namah

Aum apavarga-pradaya namah

Aum arta-sharanyaya namah

Aum ekakine namah

Aum bhagavate namah

Aum sushtisthityantakarine namah

Aum gunatmane namah

Aum dhrinibhrite namah

Aum brihate namah

Aum brahmane namah

Aum esvaryadaya namah

Aum sharvaya namah

Aum haridashvaya namah

Aum shauraye namah

Aum dashadiksam-prakashaya namah

Aum bhakta-vashyaya namah

Aum ojaskaraya namah

Aum jayine namah

Aum jagad-ananda-hetave namah

Aum taya janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-varji aounnatyapadasamcararathasthaya-asuraraye namah

Aum kamaniyakagaya namah Aum abjaballabhaya namah

Aum antar-bahih prakashaya namah

Aum acintyaya namah

Aum atma-rupine namah

Aum acyutaya namah

Aum amareshaya namah

Aum parasmai jyotishe namah

Aum ahaskaraya namah

Aum ravaye namah

Aum haraye namah

Aum param-atmane namah

Aum tarunaya namah

Aum tarenyaya namah

Aum grahanam pataye namah

Aum bhaskaraya namah

Aum adimadhyantara-hitaya namah

Aum saukhyapradaya namah

Aum sakalajagatam pataye namah

Aum suryaya namah

Aum kavaye namah

Aum narayanaya namah

Aum pareshaya namah

Aum tejorupaya namah

Aum shrim hiranyagarbhaya namah

Aum hrim sampatkaraya namah

Aum aim istarthadaya namah

Aum am suprasannaya namah

Aum shrimate namah

Aum shreyase namah

Aum saukhyadayine namah

Aum diptamurtaye namah

Aum nikhilagamavedhyaya namah

Aum nityanandaya namah

Surya seed mantra: Aum hram hrim hraum sah suryaya namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Surya is propitiated increasing courage and notoriety.




Anu Pallavi


The Meaning of the Song

Oh SURYAMURTI - Sun! Salutations to you.
You are the spouse of the pretty CHAYA
You illumine the universe, the lord of SIMHA RASI
You are full of effulgence, known for giving gifts like health
Oh! Lord MITRA - sun!
You are the friend of the lotus and splendour of light;
have thousand rays; and you, the father of KARNA
You are like fire in destroying heinous sins;
You are self-luminous, fond of Guruguha,
saluted by scholars, Lord of the day;
foremost among the planet like the moon;
having the divine charriot drawn by seven horses;
soul of the SAURASHTRARNA MANTRA; having a golden hue,
who is identical with BRAHMA, VISHNU and SIVA
in bestowing both devotion - BHAKTI and salvation - MUKTI

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