Thursday 11 September 2014

Sukkira Bhagawan

Kanjanur Sthala Varalaru, dosham & remedial measures

The presiding deity Agneeswarar is the embodiment of Sukran. Sukrachariar was the Guru of asuras. He had got the blessings from Lord Siva after severe penances. In the Vamana Avataram of Lord Vishnu, Vamana sought three foot steps of land from Mahabali, an asura king. Realising Vamana to be no mere mortal, Sukrachariyar assumed the form of a bee and tried to block the flow of water from the kamandalam. Vamana picking up a pavithram blinds Sukracharya in one eye while trying to unclog the hole in the kamandalam.

Sukracharyar has the prowess to bring the dead to living by virtue of his knowledge of Amirtha Sanjeevini Mantra. Using this mantra, in the asura war against the devas, he revived the slain asuras. This helped the asura army swell. The devas prayed to Lord Siva for help, who swallowed up Sukracharya in a fit of rage. After residing in Lord SIva's stomach in a siddha state, he emerged from Lord Siva's stomach.

Sukra endows those who pray to him with wealth, pleasure, wife, prosperity, vehicles. He is the next most beneficial planet after Guru. If in a person's horoscope, Sukra is well placed, then the person will enjoy pleasure, beautiful wife, wealth, house, vehicle, good food, fame, love, affection, marraige, siblings, governmental help, chance to govern the country/state and hold influential status.

If in a bad position, the ward will experience a family devoid of love and ties, bad life, enimity amongst family and friends, Kalathira dosham. By praying to Sukra these problems could be mitigated. Wife, arts, sculpture, love, vehicles are the beneficial aspects of Sukra.

The sthalam of Sukra Bhagavan is Kanjanur, which is located 3kms from Suryanar koil, enroute to Mayavaram. His wives are Subakirthi, Sundari and Sringini. The presiding deity are Agneeswarar and his consort Iswari. He is the Lord of Rishaba and Thula Rasi and faces East direction. The Adi Devatha is Indra's physician. His colour is white; his vahana is the crocodile; the grain associated with him is mochai; the flower - white lotus; fabric - white cloth; gem - diamond; food - rice mixed with mochai powder. 

rAga: pharaj / tAla: khaNDa aTa

shrIshukrabhagavantaM cintayAmi santataM sakalatattvajhnam

he shukrabhagavan mAm Ashu pAlaya vRSatulAdhIsha daityahitopadesham keshavakaTAkSaikanetraM kirITadharaM dhavalagAtram

viMshativatSaroDudashavibhAgam aSTavargaM kaviM kalatrakArakaM ravinirjaraguruvairiNaM navAMshahorAdrekkANAdivargottamavasarasamaye vakroccanIcasvakSetravarakendramUlatrikoNe trimshAMshasaSTyAMshairavatAMshaparijAtAMshagopurAMsharAjayogakArakaM rAjuapradaM guruguhamudam


I always meditate upon the God Shukra, the knower of all truths[1].

Rescue me quickly Oh Shukra, Lord of the houses of Tula and Vrisa[2], and sound counsellor to all demons. Whose one eye was safeguarded by the grace of Kesava[3], who is the wearer of the crown and of white substance.

Whose beneficial influence on the various constellations is for the duration of twenty years[4], one having eight vargas[5], the poet, beneficent planet for marital bliss[6], inimical to Surya and Brhaspati, who while in navamsha, hora, drekana[7], vakra[8], nicaj[9], ucca[10], svaksetra[11], varakendra[12], and in the mulatrikone[13] ... and while in the different amshas, trimsamsha[14], sastyamsha[15], airavatamsha, pariyatamsha, gopuramsha[16], bestows royalty and kingdoms and delights Guruguha.


Although the preceptor of the demons, Shukra was a Brahmin and as such a repository of the knowledge of the Vedas. When Kaca broke out from Shukra's stomach after having been burnt and pulverized by the demons and consumed with wine which was drunk by Shukra, Kaca saw the pile of Vedic knowledge which was the fallen dead man. With the secret formula for reviving the dead he caused him to come to life again. Kaca then bowed to his Guru and said, "The Guru is the giver of unsurpassed truth, the treasury of the four-fold riches of knowledge, worthy of respect. Those who do not respect him go to the bottomless evil worlds."
Constellations Libra and Taurus
A name for Vishnu; Shukra lost one of his eyes when Vishnu appearing as Vamana, his fifth incarnation, thrust Mahabali a demon down to the netherworld and Shukra tried to obstruct it.
ref. to ududasha system in which each planet presides over a particular period (dasha) of time. According to Mantreshvara these are: Surya 6 years, Chandra 10, Mangala 7, Rahu 18, Brhaspati 16, Shani 19, Budha 17, Ketu 7 and Shukra 20. Each of these main periods is divided into smaller sub-periods (bhuktis) and each sub-period is divided into smaller periods (antara). The antara are again subdivided into antarantaras, and so on until the swara or the period necessary for the inhaling and exhaling of breath is reached. Thus the planets individually and collectively exercise controls over all time-spans of existence.
ref. to astavarga, a system of ongoing horoscopy; pertaining to this system Pingree gives the following account: "As described in the Yavanajataka this system is identical with the Western theory of the revolution of the years of the nativity in which one uses the transits of the planets through the places they occupied at the original of the birth-horoscope.... The basic idea is to cast a new horoscope at the end of each year, month, day or other appropriate time-interval of the native's life and to compare it with the horoscope at his birth.... Transit is the entry of a planet into a sign occupied by a particular planet in the birth-horoscope."
Love, one of the principles of existence (sattvani), is assigned to Shukra. ", love, knowledge, speech, truthfullness, ignorance and mind; they pervade respectively the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn and the Moon." [Yavanajataka I-112]
These terms refer to measurements of arc as determined from the first point of Aries, the 'vernal equinox'. This is the point at which the path of the Sun crosses from the South to the North of the celestial equator. All measurements are made on the ecliptic. Navamsha is 1/9th of 30 degrees = 3 degrees 20 mintues; hora is 1/2 of 30 degrees = 15 degrees; drekana is 1/3 of 30 degrees = 10 degrees.
Retrograde motion of planet
(lit. 'in a low position') dejection
(lit. 'high' or 'elevated') position of exaltation; this is located 180 degrees opposite from the position of dejection
The ruling houses of Shukra, Libra and Taurus
The best cardines; of the 12 places on the Zodiac, cardines 1, 4, 7 and 10
Base-triplicity; "the mulatrikonas of Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are, in order, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Saggitarius and Aquarius."
one degree
one half degree
These terms refer to particular combinations of the vargas for the planets. According to the 10 varga (dashavarga) system, Mantreshvara says "whether a planet is in its friendly house, its own house, or in its exaltation house, a combination of 2 vargas is called pariyatamsha, that of 4 is called gopuramsha, that of 6 airavatamsha."

Propitiation of Venus (Friday)

CHARITY: Donate silk clothes, dairy cream, yogurt, scented oils, sugar, cow dung, or camphor to a poor young woman on Friday evening.

FASTING: On Friday, especially during Venus transits and major or minor Venus periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Friday at sunrise, especially during major or minor Venus periods: Shukra-astottara-shata-nama-vali

(The 108 names of Shukra)

Aum shukraya namah

Aum shucaye' namah

Aum shubha-gunaya namah

Aum shubha-daya namah

Aum shubha-laksanaya namah

Aum shobhanaksaya namah

Aum shubravahaya namah

Aum shuddhasphadikabhasvaraya namah

Aum dinartiharakaya namah

Aum daitya-gurave' namah

Aum deva-abhivanditaya namah

Aum kavya-asaktaya namah

Aum kama-palaya namah

Aum kavaye' namah

Aum kalyana-dayakaya namah

Aum bhadra-murtaye' namah

Aum bhadra-gunaya namah

Aum bhargavaya namah

Aum bhakta-palanaya namah

Aum bhoga-daya namah

Aum bhuvana-adhyaksaya namah

Aum bhukti-mukti-phala-pradaya namah

Aum caru-shilaya namah

Aum caru-rupaya namah

Aum caru-candra-nibhananaya namah

Aum nidhaye' namah

Aum nikhila-shastra-jnaya namah

Aum niti-vidya-dhuram-dharaya namah

Aum sarva-laksana-sampannaya namah

Aum sarva-vaguna-varjitaya namah

Aum samana-adikanir-muktaya namah

Aum sakala-gamaparagaya namah

Aum bhrigave' namah

Aum bhoga-karaya namah

Aum bhumi-sura-palana-tat-paraya namah

Aum manasvine namah

Aum manadaya namah

Aum manyaya namah

Aum mayatitaya namah

Aum maha-yashase' namah

Aum bali-prasannaya namah

Aum abhaya-daya namah

Aum baline namah

Aum satya-parakramaya namah

Aum bhavapasha-parityagaya namah

Aum bali-bandha-vimocakaya namah

Aum ghana-shayaya namah

Aum ghana-adhyaksaya namah

Aum kambhugrivaya namah

Aum kala-dharaya namah

Aum karunya-rasa-sampurnaya namah

Aum kalyana-guna-varddhanaya namah

Aum shvetambaraya namah

Aum svetavapushe' namah

Aum catur-bhuja-samanvitaya namah

Aum akshamala-dharaya namah

Aum acintyaya namah

Aum akshinagunabha-asuraya namah

Aum nashatra-gana-samcaraya namah

Aum nayadaya namah

Aum niti-marga-daya namah

Aum barsha-pradaya namah

Aum hrishikeshaya namah

Aum klesha-nasha-karaya namah

Aum kavaye namah

Aum cintitarya-pradaya namah

Aum shanta-mataye' namah

Aum citta-samadhi-krite' namah

Aum adhi-vyadhi-haraya namah

Aum bhurivikramaya namah

Aum punya-dayakaya namah

Aum purana-purushaya namah

Aum pujyaya namah

Aum puruhuta-adi-sannutaya namah

Aum ajeyaya namah

Aum vijitarataye' namah

Aum vividha-bharanojjvalaya namah

Aum kunda-pushpa-pratikashaya namah

Aum mandahasaya namah

Aum maha-mataye' namah

Aum mukta-phala-samanabhaya namah

Aum mukti-daya namah

Aum munisannutaya namah

Aum ratna-simhasana-rudaya namah

Aum rathasthaya namah

Aum rajataprabhaya namah

Aum surya-pragdesha-samcaraya namah

Aum sura-shatru-suhride' namah

Aum kavaye' namah

Aum tula-avrishabharashishaya namah

Aum durddharaya namah

Aum dharma-palakaya namah

Aum bhagyadaya namah

Aum bhavya-caritraya namah

Aum bhavapasha-vimotrakaya namah

Aum gauda-desh-eshvaraya namah

Aum goptre namah

Aum gunite namah

Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah

Aum jyeshtha-nakshatra-sambhutaya namah

Aum jyeshthaya namah

Aum shreshthaya namah

Aum shuci-smitaya namah

Aum apavarga-pradaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum santana-phala-dayakaya namah

Aum sarva-ishvarya-pradaya namah

Aum sarva-girvanaganasannutaya namah

Shukra seed mantra: Aum dram drim draum sah shukraya namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Shukra is propitiated increasing riches and conjugal bliss.

Guru Bhagawan

Alangudi Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures

The Devas, when churning the paarkadal for nectar, were hindered by the poisonous fumes from the snake Vasuki and prayed to Lord Siva for deliverance. Lord Siva consumed the deadly poison (Ala Visham), thus giving rise to the name Alangudi to this sthalam and the Lord came to be called Aabathsagayar. 
Lord Ganesha subdued Gajamuhasuran who gave the Devas a horrid time and he is thus worshipped in this sthalam as 'Kalangaamal kaatha Vinayagar'. Ambal undertook severe penance and married Lord Siva and hence this place is hailed as Thirumana Mangalam. This sthalam is the Parivara sthalam for Madhyarjuna Mahalinga Peruman. This is the fourth amongst the Panchavarunya Sthalas. Vishwamithrar, Thirumal, Brahma, Lakshmi, Garuda, Ashta Thikku Balagas, Ayyanar, Veera Badrar, Mukunda Chakravarthy, Suvasanan, Sundarar have worshipped at this sthala.

Lord Siva as a ferryman(boatman) was helping Sundaramurthy Swamigal cross the river (Vettaru) which was in spate, to reach this sthalam. The boat capsized hitting a rock, when halfway. Lord siva seated on his Rishaba Vahana helped him reach the sthala safely. Sundarar received his Gnanaupadesam after his darshanam of Dakshinamurthy at this sthala. Fame, wealth, siblings are the beneficial aspects of Guru.

The sthlam of Guru Bhagavan is Alangudi, 17 kms from Kumbakonam enroute to Mannargudi. His wives are Tharai, Sangini. The presiding deities are Kasi Aaranyeswarar and his consort Elavarkuzhali. Guru is the Lord of Dhanusu and Meena Rasi and he faces North direction. The Adi Devatha is Brahma and the Prathyathi Devatha is Indran. His colour is yellow and his vahana is elephant. The grain assciated with him is kadalai; the flower - white mullai; fabric - yellow cloth; gem - pushparagam(white topaz); food - rice mixed with bengal gram dhal powder. 


rAga: aThAna / tAla: tishra tripuTa

bRhaspate tArApate brahmajAte namOstu te

mahAbala vibho gISpate mahnjudhanurmInAdhipate mahendrAdyupAsitakRte mAdhavAdivinutadhImate

shurAcAryavarya vajradhara shubhalakSaNa jagattrayaguro jarAdivarjitAkrodha kacajanakashritajanakalpataro purAriguruguhasammodita putrakAraka dInabandho parAdicatvArivAksvarUpaprakAshaka dayAsindho nirAmayAya nItikartre nirahNkushAya vishvabhartre nirahnjanAya bhuvanabhoktre nirahNshAya makhapradAtre


Salutations Brhaspati! Lord of Tara, one who is born of Brahma[1].

Oh omnipresent one, Oh Lord of great strength, Lord of speech[2], Lord of lovely Dhanus and Mina[3], whose form is adored by Indra and the other Gods, and who is the great intellectual honored by divinities like Madhava[4].

Oh most esteemed teacher of the Gods, wielder of the thunderbolt[5], of auspicious markings, teacher of the three worlds[6], one who is not affected by old age and the like, unexcitable, father of Kaca[7], the divine Kalpataru[8] for those who take refuge in Him, who is a delight to Shiva and Guruguha, and the bestower of offspring, kin to the distressed, the manifester of the four phases of speech[9], an ocean of compassion. Who is devoid of all illness, the author of smrti[10], uncontrolled, the Lord of the Universe, the untarnished one, who delights in the worlds and is the bestower of vigor.


Also descended from the mind of virat-purusa (see Chandra[7])

An epithet for the Vedic god Indra, Brhaspati or Brahamanaspati is the 'Lord of Prayer'

Constellations Sagittarius and Pisces

Name for Vishnu in his incarnation as Krishna

In the Vedas Brhaspati is associated with the god Indra.

ref. to tripura, the three cities of the gods: "here (Earth), heaven above Earth, and the spacious firmament"

The son of Brhaspati who has sent to Shukra, leader of the demons (asuras), to learn the secret for reviving the dead

The wish-yielding tree of Indra's paradise, the kalpavriksa ; as a generous god Brhaspati is compared to the kalpavriksa

"The place where the idea originates... the first impulse... is the 'voice beyond' . The first mental impulse, like the shoot springing from an invisible seed is the 'voice that sees' (pashyanti). The potential sound, which is the vehicle of thought, is the 'intermediary voice' (madhyama). The exteriorized sound in the form of articulate syllables is the 'voice manifest' (vaikhari)."

ref. to Brhaspatismrti, an important early text on legal etiquette

Propitiation of Jupiter (Thursday)

CHARITY: Donate a peepal sapling, saffron, turmeric, sugar, a horse, or yellow flowers to a brahmin (priest) on Thursday morning.

FASTING: On Thursday, especially during Jupiter transits and major or minor Jupiter periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Thursday, one hour before sunset, especially during major or minor Jupiter periods: Gurva-astottara-shata-nama-vali

(The 108 names of Guru)

Aum gurave namah

Aum gunakaraya namah

Aum goptre namah

Aum gocaraya namah

Aum gopatipriyaya namah

Aum gunive namah

Aum gunavatam shrepthaya namah

Aum gurunam gurave namah

Aum avyayaya namah

Aum jetre namah

Aum jayantaya namah

Aum jayadaya namah

Aum jivaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum jayavahaya namah

Aum amgirasaya namah

Aum adhvaramaktaya namah

Aum viviktaya namah

Aum adhvarakritparaya namah

Aum vacaspataye namah

Aum vashine namah

Aum vashyaya namah

Aum varishthaya namah

Aum vagvacaksanaya namah

Aum citta-shuddhi-karaya namah

Aum shrimate namah

Aum caitraya namah

Aum citrashikhandijaya namah

Aum brihad-rathaya namah

Aum brihad-bhanave namah

Aum brihas-pataye namah

Aum abhishtadaya namah

Aum suracaryaya namah

Aum suraradhyaya namah

Aum surakaryakritodyamaya namah

Aum girvanaposhakaya namah

Aum dhanyaya namah

Aum gishpataye namah

Aum girishaya namah

Aum anaghaya namah

Aum dhivaraya namah

Aum dhishanaya namah

Aum divya-bhushanaya namah

Aum deva-pujitaya namah

Aum dhanurddharaya namah

Aum daitya-hantre namah

Aum dayasaraya namah

Aum dayakaraya namah

Aum dariddya-nashanaya namah

Aum dhanyaya namah

Aum daksinayanasambhavaya namah

Aum dhanurminadhipaya namah

Aum devaya namah

Aum dhanurbana-dharaya namah

Aum haraye namah

Aum angarovarshasamjataya namah

Aum angirah kulasambhavaya namah

Aum sindhu-desha-adhipaya namah

Aum dhimate namah

Aum svarnakayaya namah

Aum catur-bhujaya namah

Aum heman-gadaya namah

Aum hemavapushe namah

Aum hemabhushanabhushitaya namah

Aum pushyanathaya namah

Aum pushyaragamanimandanamandi kasha-pushpa-samanabhaya namah

Aum indradyamarasamghapaya namah

Aum asamanabalaya namah

Aum satva-guna-sampadvibhavasave bhusurabhishtadaya namah

Aum bhuriyashase namah

Aum punya-vivardhanaya namah

Aum dharma-rupaya namah

Aum dhana-adhyaksaya namah

Aum dhanadaya namah

Aum dharma-palanaya namah

Aum sarva-veda-artha-tattva-jnaya namah

Aum sarva-padvinivarakaya namah

Aum sarva-papa-prashamanaya namah

Aum svramatanugatamaraya namah rigveda-paragaya namah

Aum riksarashimargapracaravate sada-anandaya namah

Aum satya-samdhaya namah

Aum satya-samkalpa-manasaya namah

Aum sarva-gamajnaya namah

Aum sarva-jnaya namah

Aum sarva-vedanta-vide namah

Aum brahma-putraya namah

Aum brahmaneshaya namah

Aum brahma-vidya-avisharadaya namah

Aum samana-adhi-kanirbhuktaya namah

Aum sarva-loka-vashamvadaya namah

Aum sasura-asura-gandharva-vanditaya satya-bhashanaya namah

Aum brihaspataye namah

Aum suracaryaya namah

Aum dayavate namah

Aum shubha-laksanaya namah

Aum loka-traya-gurave namah

Aum shrimate namah

Aum sarva-gaya namah

Aum sarvato vibhave namah

Aum sarveshaya namah

Aum sarvadatushtaya namah

Aum sarva-daya namah

Aum sarva-pujitaya namah

Guru seed mantra: Aum gram grim graum sah gurave namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Brihaspati is propitiated increasing satisfaction and facilitating marriage and childbirth.

Budha Bhagawan

Thiruvengadu Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures

Acchuthagapanar bathed in the three tanks, worshipped Thiruvengadar and he was blessed with a child. This child came to be known as Meikandar and became the chief of Chandanakuravars.

Thiruvengadar, the son of Sivanesan and Gnanambigai, with the blessings of a Siva Muni received Siva Ditchai and a Siva Linga and came to be called Pattinathu Adigal.

Indran to make remedies for his sin of having killed Virudhasuran, worshipped Lord Thiruvengadar & was absolved of his sins.

Sage Durvasar gifted a mala to Indran. Indran, in his vanity threw it on his white elephant Iravadam which stamped the mala under its feet. Durvasar cursed Indran to turn into a wild elephant. Indran realising his folly formed a tank (Thadagam) in Thiruvengadu and worshipped a Siva Linga. He was blessed by Lord Siva and absolved of his sins and reached Indralogam again.

Vedarasi, a brahmin had placed his bundle of food in the hollow of a tree. A snake residing in the hollow, spewed poison on the food. Unaware of this, Vedarasi gave this food to a vedic priest, who died of the poison. This brahmin was absolved of his Brahmahathi Dosham by worshipping Lord Siva of Thiruvengadu.

Suwedakedu on realising that he was destined to die in his eighth year, reached Thiruvengadu and performed Siva pooja. As soon as he saw Yama, he held on to the Siva Linga tightly. Yama on seeing Thiruvengadar, ran away in fear and died. On the request of the Devas, the Lord brought Yama back to life.

Those who visit Thiruvengadu will find relief from puthira dosham, poor studies, mental instability, nervous disorders. Knowledge, music, astrology, maths, sculpting, medicine, language skills are the beneficial aspects of Budan. The sthalam of Budan is Thiruvengadu, which is located 15kms from Sirgazhi enroute to Poompuhar. Budan's wife is Ilai. The presiding deities are Swedharanyeshwarar and his consort Ambal. Budan is the Lord of Mithunam and Kanni Rasi and he faces the North-East direction. The Adi Devatha is Vishnu and the Prathyathi Devatha Narayanan; his colour is light green; his vahana - the horse; the grain associated with him is full green moong dhal; the flower - white kanthal flower; fabric- green cloth; gem - maragadam; food - rice mixed with moong dhal powder.

rAga: nATakurahnji / tAla: mishra jhampa

budham AshrayAmi satataM suravinutaM candratArAsutam

budhajanaiveditaM bhUsurair moditam madhurakavitApradaM mahanIyasampadam

kuhNkumasamadyutiM guruguhamudAkRtiM kujavairiNaM maNimukuTahArakeyUrakahNkaNAdidhraNaM kamanIyataramithunakanyAdhipaM pustakakaraM napuMsakam KihNkara janamahitaM kilbiSAdirahitaM shahNkarabhaktahitaM sadAnandasahitam


I always seek shelter in Budha who is worhipped by the Gods, who is the son of Chandra and Tara[1].

Who is revered by the learned, and who brings joy to Brahmins. Who is the bestower of the sweet art of poetry, the one of splendorous wealth.

Who is brightly colored like saffron, whose form gives delight to Guruguha, who is the enemy of Kuja[2], the wearer of gem-studded crown, necklace, armlets and bracelets, Lord of the houses of Mithuna and Kanya[3], with book in hand[4] and who is neuter[5]. Who is honored by his attendants, is devoid of all evil, benefits the devotees of Shiva, and is always joyous.


The illegitimate son of Chandra and Tara
ref. to Angaraka, the son of Shiva and Earth, as 'born of Earth'
Constellations Gemini and Virgo
Symbolic of the intelligence and wisdom of Budha
Having been born of an illicit love affair Budha was cursed by Brhaspati and became neuter

Propitiation of Mercury


CHARITY: Donate small green lentils, a green pumpkin, a goat, or green clothes to a poor student on Wednesday at noon.

FASTING: On Wednesday, especially during Mercury transits and major or minor Mercury periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Wednesday, two hours after sunrise, especially during major or minor

Mercury periods:


(The 108 names of Budha)

Aum bhudhaya namah

Aum budharcitaya namah

Aum saumyaya namah

Aum saumyachittaya namah

Aum shubha-pradaya namah

Aum drida-brataya namah

Aum hadaphalaya namah

Aum shruti-jala-prabodhakaya namah

Aum satya ' vasaya namah

Aum satya-vacase namah

Aum shreyasam pataye namah

Aum abyayaya namah

Aum soma-jaya namah

Aum sukhadaya namah

Aum shrimate namah

Aum soma-vamsha-pradipa-kaya namah

Aum vedavide namah

Aum veda-tattvashaya namah

Aum vedanta-jnana-bhaskaraya namah

Aum vidya-vicaksanaya namah

Aum vidushe namah

Aum vidvat-pritikaraya namah

Aum krajave namah

Aum vishva-anukula-sancaraya namah

Aum vishesha-vinayanvitaya namah

Aum vividhagamasarajnaya namah

Aum viryavate namah

Aum vigatajvaraya namah

Aum trivarga-phaladaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum tridasha-dhipa-pujitaya namah

Aum buddhimate namah

Aum bahu-shastra-jnaya namah

Aum baline namah

Aum bandha-vimocakaya namah

Aum vakativakagamanaya namah

Aum vasavaya namah

Aum vasudhadhipaya namah

Aum prasannavadanaya namah

Aum vandhyaya namah

Aum varenyaya namah

Aum vagvilaksanaya namah

Aum satya-vate namah

Aum satya-samkalpaya namah

Aum satya-bamdhave namah

Aum sadadaraya namah

Aum sarva-roga-prashamanaya namah

Aum sarva-mrityu-nivarakaya namah

Aum vanijyanipunaya namah

Aum vashyaya namah

Aum vatan-gaya namah

Aum vata-roga-hrite' namah

Aum sthulaya namah

Aum sthairya-guna-adhyaksaya namah

Aum sthula-suksma-adi-karanaya namah

Aum aprakashaya namah

Aum prakash-atmane' namah

Aum ghanaya namah

Aum gagana-bhushanaya namah

Aum vidhi-stutyaya namah

Aum visha-laksaya namah

Aum vidvajjana-manoharaya namah

Aum caru-shilaya namah

Aum svaprakashaya namah

Aum capalaya namah

Aum jitendriyaya namah

Aum udan-mukhaya namah

Aum bukhamakkaya namah

Aum magadha-adhi-pataye namah

Aum haraye namah

Aum saumya-vatsara-samjataya namah

Aum soma-priya-karaya namah

Aum mahate namah

Aum sihma-adhirudhaya namah

Aum sarva-jnaya namah

Aum shikhivarnaya namah

Aum shivam-karaya namah

Aum pitambaraya namah

Aum pitavapushe' namah

Aum pitacchatradhvajankitaya

Aum khanga-carma-dharaya namah

Aum karya-kartre' namah

Aum kalushaharakaya namah

Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah

Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah

Aum vishva-pavanaya namah

Aum campeya-puspa-samkashaya namah

Aum caranaya namah

Aum caru-bhushanaya namah

Aum vita-ragaya namah

Aum vita-bhayaya namah

Aum vishuddha-kanaka-prabhaya

Aum bandhu-priyaya namah

Aum bandhu-yuktaya namah

Aum bana-mandala--samshritaya namah

Aum arkesana-nivasasthaya tarka-shastra-visharadmaya namah

Aum prashantaya namah

Aum priti-samyuktaya namah

Aum priya-krite' namah

Aum priya-bhushanaya namah

Aum medhavine' namah

Aum madhava-saktaya namah

Aum mithuna-adhi-pataye' namah

Aum sudhiye namah

Aum kanya-rashi-priyaya namah

Aum kama-pradaya namah

Aum ghana-phala-ashrayaya namah

Budha seed mantra: Aum bram brim braum sah budhaya namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Budha is propitiated increasing health and intelligence.




Anu Pallavi


The Meaning of the Song

I always seek shelter in BUDHA, who is worshipped by the celestials, 
who is the son of Moon-CHANDRA and TARA 
Who is revered by the learned ones and brings joy to BHUSURAs 
He is the bestower of the sweet art of poetry,
the one of splendrous wealth. 
Who is brightly coloured like saffron, 
whose form gives delight to GURUGUHA
He is the enemy of KUJA and 
He is the wearer of gem-studded crown, necklace, armlets and bracelets, 
Lord of the houses of MITHUNA-Gemini and KANYA-Virgo, with Book in hand.
He is neuter- NAPUMSAKA, devoid of all sins,
benefits the devotees of SIVA, and is always joyous.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Chevvai Bhagawan

Vaidheeswaran Koil 

Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures

Chevvai Bhagavan is worshipped in the town of Vaideeswaran Koil which is also called Thirupullirukku Velur. Sambathi, Jadayu, Lord Muruga, Suriyan are also reputed to have worshipped in this sthalam. Even diseases that could not get cured by Mani Manthira Aushathangal got cured at this place and the presiding deity came to be called Vaidyanathar. His consort who was the chief of women of both worlds is hailed as Thayal Nayagi. Selva Muthukumarasami of this temple is lovingly called Muthiah. Kumaragurubarasami wrote the book "Muthukumarasami Pillai Thamizh". 

Once, when Lord Shiva was in deep meditation, perspiration from his third eye fell on earth. The male child that was born of this sweat drop was Angaragan (Chevvai). Angaragan married Sakthi Devi of Avanti town and had a son called Sumarasan. Problems from wife/children/brothers, enimity with friends, loss of wealth, quarrels, problems with Govt., lasting poverty, anger, bad friendship, Kalathira Dosham are because of Chevvai. By praying to him, a person can offset the problems arising out of his afflictions. Brothers and sisters, physical strength, victory, valour are the beneficial aspects of this planet. 
The sthalam of Chevvai Bhagavan is Vaideeswaran koil, which is located 6kms from Sirgazhi en route to Mayavaram. His wives are Malini, Susilini. The presiding deity are Vaidyanathan and his consort Thaiyal Nayaki. Chevvai is the Lord of Mesha and Vrichika Rasi and he faces South direction. The Adi Devatha is Boomidevi; Prathyathi Devatha is Kshetra Balagan; his colour is red and his vahana is the ram. The grain associated with him is thuvarai; the flowers - shenbagam and red arali; fabric - red cloth; gem - coral; food- rice mixed with toor dhal powder. 


rAga: suraTi / tAla: rUpaka

ahNgArakam AshrayAmy ahaM (shrI) vinatAsritajanamandAraM mahNgalavAram bhUmikumAraM vAraM vAraM

shRhNgArakameSavRshcikarAshyadhipatiM raktAngaM raktAmbarAdidhraM shaktisUladharaM mahNgalaM kambugalaM mahnjulatarapadayugalaM mahNgaladAyakaMeSaturahNgaM makarottuhNgam

dAnavasurasevitamandasmitavilasitavaktraM dharaNIpradaM bhrAtRkArakaM raktanetraM dInarakSakaM pUjitavaidyanAthakSetraM divyaughAdiguruguhakaTAkSAnugrahapAtram bhAnucandragurumitraM bhAsamAnasasukalatraM jAnusthahastacitraM caturbhujamativicitram


I take refuge again in Angaraka[1], the divine Mandara tree[2] to the humble dependent devotees, the presiding deity of Tuesday, and the son of Earth.

Who is the Lord of the cherished houses of Mesa and Vrischika[3], with red limbs, who wears the red dress and is the bearer of the sword and trident. The auspicious one, with beautiful neck, with lovely feet, bestower of auspiciousness, riding on the Goat, and whose higher aspis[4] is in Makara rasi[5].

Who is worshipped by Gods and demons, one with the face beaming and smiling, bestower of landed wealth and brotherhood, with red eyes, protector of the afflicted, worshipped in the holy Vaidisvaran temple[6], and favored by the hosts of the Gods and Guruguha. Who is the friend of Surya, Chandra and Brhaspati, shining with his good wife, and his hands on his knees, having four arms, and who is quite extraordinary.


(lit. 'glowing charcoal'), also referred to as Mangala ('happiness', 'felicity')
A form of coral tree, one of the 'five divine trees' (devataru) of the heaven of the gods: mandara, parijataka, santana, kalpavriksa and haricandana
Constellations Aries and Scorpio
Constellation Capricorn
This shrine is located in the Tanjore area. It is used for seeking good health and cure from diseases.

Propitiation of Mars (Tuesday)

CHARITY: Donate wheat bread, sweets made from sugar mixed with white sesamum seeds, or masoor dal (red lentils) to a celibate on Tuesday at noon.

FASTING: On Tuesdays, especially during Mars transits and major or minor Mars periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Tuesday, one hour after sunrise, especially during major or minor Mars periods:


(The 108 names of Mangala)

Aum mahisutaya namah

Aum maha-bhagaya namah

 Aum mangalaya namah

Aum mangala-pradaya namah

Aum maha-virayam namah

Aum maha-shuraya namah

Aum maha-balaparakramaya namah

Aum maharoudraya namah

Aum mahabhadraya namah

Aum mananiyaya namah

Aum dayakaraya namah

Aum manad ya namah

Aum aparvanaya namah

Aum kruraya namah

Aum tapa-traya-vivarjitaya namah

Aum supratipaya namah

Aum sutamrakshaya namah

Aum subrahmanyaya namah

Aum sukhapradaya namah

Aum vakra-stambhadi-gamanaya namah

Aum varenyaya namah

Aum varadaya namah

Aum sukhine namah

Aum virabhadraya namah

Aum virupaksaya namah

Aum vidurasthaya namah

Aum vibhavasave namah

Aum naksatra-cakra-samcarine namah

Aum ksatrapaya namah

Aum ksatravarjitaya namah

Aum ksayavriddhivinirmuktaya namah

Aum ksama-yuktaya namah

Aum vicaksanaya namah

Aum aksinaphaladaya namah

Aum caturvarga-phala-pradaya namah

Aum vitaragaya namah

Aum vitabhayaya namah

Aum vijvaraya namah

Aum vishva-karanaya namah

Aum naksatra-rashisancaraya namah

Aum nanabhayanikrintanaya namah

Aum vandarujanamandaraya namah

Aum vakrakuncitamurddhajaya namah

Aum kamaniyaya namah

Aum dayasaraya namah

Aum kanatkanakabhusanaya namah

Aum bhayaghnaya namah

Aum bhavya-phaladaya namah

Aum bhakta-bhaya-varapradaya namah

Aum shatru-hantre' namah

Aum shamope'taya namah

Aum sharanagataposhanaya namah

Aum sahasine' namah

Aum sad-gunadhyaksaya namah

Aum sadhave' namah

Aum samaradurjayaya namah

Aum dushtha-duraya namah

Aum shishtha-pujyaya namah

Aum sarva-kashtha-nivarakaya namah

Aum dushche'shtha-varakaya namah

Aum duhkha-bhanjanaya namah

Aum durdharaya namah

Aum haraye namah

Aum dhu-svapna-hamtre' namah

Aum dur-dharshaya namah

Aum dushta-garva-vimocanaya namah

Aum bharadvaja-kulam-adbhutaya namah

Aum bhu-sutaya namah

Aum bhavya-bhushanaya namah

Aum raktam-varaya namah

Aum rakta-vapushe' namah

Aum bhakta-palana-tatparaya namah

Aum catur-bhujaya namah

Aum gada-dharine' namah

Aum mesha-vahaya namah

Aum sitashanaya namah

Aum shakti-shula-dharaya namah

Aum shaktaya namah

Aum shastra-vidya-visharadaya namah

Aum tarkakaya namah

Aum tamasa-dharaya namah

Aum tapasvine' namah

Aum tamra-locanaya namah

Aum taptakancana-samkashaya namah

Aum rakta-kinjalkamannibhaya namah

Aum gotra adhi-devaya namah

Aum gomadhy-acaraya namah

Aum guna-vibhushanaya namah

Aum asrije' namah

Aum angarakaya namah

Aum avanti-desha-adhishaya namah

Aum janardanaya namah

Aum suryayamya-pradeshasthaya namah

Aum ghune' namah

Aum yamya-harin-mukhaya namah

Aum trikona-mandala-gataya namah

Aum tridasha-adhipasannutaya namah

Aum shucaye' namah

Aum shucikaraya namah

Aum shuraya namah

Aum shuci-vashyaya namah

Aum shubha-vahaya namah

Aum mesha-vriscika-rashishaya namah

Aum medhavine' namah

Aum mita-bhashanaya namah

Aum sukha-pradaya namah

Aum surupa-aksaya namah

Aum sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah

Mangala seed mantra: Aum kram krim kraum sah bhaumaya namah.


The planetary diety Mangala is propitiated increasing determination and drive, and protecting one from violence.




Anu Pallavi


The Meaning of the Song

I take refuge in ANGARAKA, the divine MANDARA tree to dependent devotees, 
the presiding deity of MANGALAVARA - Tuesday, and the son of Earth 
He is the Lord of cherished MESHA-Aaries and VRICHIKA-Scorpio,
shines with reddish form, wears red dress and is the bearer of the sword and trident
The auspicious one, with beautiful neck, bestower of auspiciousness, 
riding on the goat, and whose highest apogee is MAKARA RASI-Capricorn.
He is worshipped by gods and demons, one with the face beaming and smiling,
bestower of wealth of lands and brotherhood, with red eyes, protector of afflicted, 
worshipped in the VAIDYANATHA KSHETRA, favoured by the three groups of divine teachers such as 
He is the friend of SURYA-sun, CHANDRA-moon and BRHASPATI-Jupiter,
shining with his good wife, with his hand on his knees,
having four arms, and he is quite extraordinary. 
pls send your comments and suggestions to

Chandira Bhagawan

Thingalur Sthala varalaru, doshams and remedial measures


Chandran is also hailed as Thingal and his abode is Thingalur. it is here that Chndran prayed to Lord Siva and got his blessings. As Chandran is held in the locks of Lord Siva, all devotees who worship Easwaran have also to worship this planet. The Devas and asuras were churning the paarkadal using Mandira Malai and the snake Vasuki. The asuras held the head portion of the snake and the devas, the tail portion. The poison emitted by Vasuki was consumed by Lord Siva to save the devas, but the toxicity of venom affected the Devas who swooned on its impact. Alongwith the nectar (amirtham), Chandran emerged and it was he who revived the Devas.

Apputhi Adigal was born in Thingalur. he was an ardent follower of Thirunavukkarasar, without ever laying his eyes on the great soul. He did a lot of welfare activity in his hometown in the name of Thirunavukkarasar. During his visit to this holytown Thirunavukkarasar heard about Apputhi Adigal and visited his abode and consented to partake in the meal offered in his honour. To serve food for Thirunavukkarasar, Apputhi Adigal sent his son to the garden to fetch a plantain leaf. When on this errand, a snake bit him and the lad passed away. Not wishing to disappoint his guest, Apputhi Adigal covered the corpse of his son and tried to serve his mentor. But realising the situation, Thirunavukkarasar carried the corpse to the temple of Lord siva in Thingalur and revived the boy singing and imploring the Lord with Thirupadigam.

Dosham to mother, mental retardation, skin and nerve problems, jaundice, fluid accumalation are the diseases caused becaus eof Chandra dosham. By praying to Lord Chandran, the above afflictions can be overcome. Wealth, mother's/wife's happiness, Govt's help, ownership of vehicle, marriage, offsprings, prosperity, foreign travel will be bestowed on his devotees.

The sthalam of Chandran is Thingalur, which is located 36kms from Kumbakonam, enroute to Thiruvaiyaru. Chandran's wife is Rohini. The presiding deity are Kailasanathar and his consort Periyanayakiamman. Chandran is the Lord of Kadaga Rasi and he faces the South-East direction. The Adi Devatha is water; prathyathi Devatha is Gowri; his colour is white and his vahana is white horse. The grain associated with him is paddy, rice; the folwer - white arali; fabric - white cloth; gem - pearl; food - curd rice.


rAga: asaverI / tAla: cAturashra maThya

candraM bhaja mAnasa sAdhuhRdayasadRsham

indrAdilokapAleDitataresham induM SoDashakalAdharam NishAkaram indirAsahodaraM sudhAkaramanisham

shaNkaramaulivibhUSaNaM shIakiraNaM caturbhujaM madanacchatraM kSapAkaraM venkaTesanayanaM virANmanojananaM vidhum kumudamitraM vidhiguruguhavaktraM shashahNkaM gISpatishApAnugrahapAtraM sharaccandrikAdhavaLaprakAshagAtraM kahNkaNakeyUrahAramukuTadhidharaM pahNkajaripuM rohiNIpriyakaracaturam


Mind, worship Chandra (pure and pleasing) who is like the hearts of all good men.

(Worship Him) Always, the Lord of the stars[1] praised by the guardian deities of Indra[2] and others, who moistens the Earth, the one with sixteen digits[3], and rich in nectar[4].

(Worship Him) The ornament on Lord Shiva's crest, the cool-rayed, the four-armed, the parasol of Madana[5], the night-maker, the eye of Lord Venkatesa[6], mentally created by Virat[7], the inflictor of suffering[8], the friend of the night-lotus, and the face of Lord Subramanya who became the teacher of the creator. (Worship Him) Who bears the mark of the hare[9], who was first cursed and later favored by Brhaspati, with his white body shining bright in autumn, the wearer of armlets, bracelets, necklace and crown, enemy of the day-lotus and a courteous lover of Rohini[10].


Lord of the 27 naksatras, the stars which oversee the 27 lunar mansions of the zodiac. These are considered to be the wives of Chandra.
The Vedic God of thunderbolt and battle, the King of the Gods who vanquishes demons of drought and darkness
The 16 lunar phases (kala)
The Vedic God Soma, the Moon, is the repository of the rich soma nectar which is the ambrosial drink of the Gods. As this nectar is derived from the Moon it moistens the Earth. The process of producing soma is closely identified with the Moon. "As the Moon-God pours down his ambrosial rain through the sieve of heaven he is addressed and worshipped as pavamana (self-purifying), represented by the soma juice as it undergoes purification by flowing through the wool which is used as a filter or strainer." Most of the hymns of this Book are addressed to soma the nectar, or Soma, or Indu the Moon.
The parasol symbolizes Chandra's role as a follower and attendant to Madana ('infatuator'), the God of Love, also called Manmatha ('churner of the mind'), Kama ('desire') or Smara ('love').
The form of Shiva having three eyes, the Sun, Moon and Fire, the three sources of light which illuminate the worlds. The eye of Fire is the strongest. This looks inward on the forehead but when directed outwards it can destroy all that appears before it.
The secondary creator virat-purusa, created by Brahman as primeval man. "The Moon was engendered from his mind, and from his eye the Sun had birth, Indra and Agni from his mouth were born, and Vayu (air) from his breath. Forth from his navel came mid-air; the sky was fashioned from his head; from Earth his feet and from his ear the regions. Thus they formed the worlds."
Chandra fell in love with Tara, the beautiful wife of Brhaspati, and abducted her. There was a prolonged war between Chandra and Brhaspati in which the Gods became involved. This ultimately resulted in the defeat of Chandra and his separation from Tara. Thus Chandra has come to be identified with the despair and suffering of separated lovers.
The surface markings on the Moon reveal in outline form the figure of a hare. For this reason Chandra is sometimes referred to as Shasha (hare).
The star Aldebaran, constellation Taurus; of the 27 naksatras Rohini is the favorite of Chandra

rAga: suraTi / tAla: rUpaka

ahNgArakam AshrayAmy ahaM (shrI) vinatAsritajanamandAraM mahNgalavAram bhUmikumAraM vAraM vAraM

shRhNgArakameSavRshcikarAshyadhipatiM raktAngaM raktAmbarAdidhraM shaktisUladharaM mahNgalaM kambugalaM mahnjulatarapadayugalaM mahNgaladAyakaMeSaturahNgaM makarottuhNgam

dAnavasurasevitamandasmitavilasitavaktraM dharaNIpradaM bhrAtRkArakaM raktanetraM dInarakSakaM pUjitavaidyanAthakSetraM divyaughAdiguruguhakaTAkSAnugrahapAtram bhAnucandragurumitraM bhAsamAnasasukalatraM jAnusthahastacitraM caturbhujamativicitram


I take refuge again in Angaraka[1], the divine Mandara tree[2] to the humble dependent devotees, the presiding deity of Tuesday, and the son of Earth.

Who is the Lord of the cherished houses of Mesa and Vrischika[3], with red limbs, who wears the red dress and is the bearer of the sword and trident. The auspicious one, with beautiful neck, with lovely feet, bestower of auspiciousness, riding on the Goat, and whose higher aspis[4] is in Makara rasi[5].

Who is worshipped by Gods and demons, one with the face beaming and smiling, bestower of landed wealth and brotherhood, with red eyes, protector of the afflicted, worshipped in the holy Vaidisvaran temple[6], and favored by the hosts of the Gods and Guruguha. Who is the friend of Surya, Chandra and Brhaspati, shining with his good wife, and his hands on his knees, having four arms, and who is quite extraordinary.


(lit. 'glowing charcoal'), also referred to as Mangala ('happiness', 'felicity')
A form of coral tree, one of the 'five divine trees' (devataru) of the heaven of the gods: mandara, parijataka, santana, kalpavriksa and haricandana
Constellations Aries and Scorpio
Constellation Capricorn
This shrine is located in the Tanjore area. It is used for seeking good health and cure diseases

Propitiation of the Moon (Monday)

CHARITY: Donate water, cow's milk or white rice to a female leader on Monday evening.

FASTING: On Mondays, especially during Moon transits and major or minor Moon periods.

MANTRA: To be chanted on Monday evening, especially during major or minor Moon periods:


(The 108 names of Chandra)

Aum srimate namah

Aum shasha-dharaya namah

Aum chandraya namah

Aum tara-adhishaya namah

Aum nisha-karaya namah

Aum sugha-nighaye namah

Aum sadaradhya namah

Aum sat-pataye namah

Aum sadhu-pujitaya namah

Aum jitendriyaya namah

Aum jayodhyogaya namah

Aum jyotish-cakra-pravartakaya namah

Aum vikartananujaya namah

Aum viraya namah

Aum vishveshaya namah

Aum vidusham pataye namah

Aum doshakaraya namah

Aum dushta-duraya namah

Aum pushtimate namah

Aum shishta-palakaya namah

Aum ashta-murti-priyaya namah

Aum anantaya namah

Aum kashta-daru-kutharakaya namah

Aum sva-prakashaya namah

Aum prakash-atmane namah

Aum dyu-caraya namah

Aum deva-bhojanaya namah

Aum kala-dharaya namah

Aum kala-hetave namah

Aum kama-krite namah

Aum kama-dayakaya namah

Aum mrityu-saharakaya namah

Aum amartyaya namah

Aum nityanushthana-dayakaya namah

Aum ksapa-karaya namah

Aum ksina-papaya namah

Aum ksaya-vriddhi-samanvitaya namah

Aum jaivatrikaya namah

Aum shucaye namah

Aum shubhraya namah

Aum jayine namah

Aum jaya-phala-pradaya namah

Aum sudha-mayaya namah

Aum sura-svamine namah

Aum bhaktanam-ishtha-dayakaya namah

Aum bukti-daya namah

Aum mukti-daya namah

Aum bhadraya namah

Aum bhakta-daridhya bhanjanaya namah

Aum sama-gana-priyaya namah

Aum sarva-raksakaya namah

Aum sagarodbhavaya namah

Aum bhayanta-krite namah

Aum bhakti-gamyaya namah

Aum bhava-bandha-vimocakaya namah

Aum jagat-prakasa-kiranaya namah

Aum jagad-ananda-kiranaya namah

Aum nissapatnaya namah

Aum niraharaya namah

Aum nirvikaraya namah

Aum niramayaya namah

Aum bhu-cchaya-cchaditaya namah

Aum bhavyaya namah

Aum bhuvana-prati-palakaya namah

Aum sakalarti-haraya namah

Aum saumya-janakaya namah

Aum sadhu-vanditaya namah

Aum sarvagama-jnaya namah

Aum sarva-jnaya namah

Aum sanakadi-muni-stutaya namah

Aum sita-chatra-dhvajopetaya namah

Aum sitangaya namah

Aum sita-bhusanaya namah

Aum sveta-malyambara-dharaya namah

Aum sveta-gandhanulepanaya namah

Aum dasasva-ratha-samrudhaya namah

Aum danda-pananye namah

Aum dhanur-dharaya namah

Aum kunda-pusyojjvalakaraya namah

Aum nayanabja-samudbhavaya namah

Aum atreya-gotra-jaya namah

Aum atyanta-vinayaya namah

Aum priya-dayakaya namah

Aum karuna-rasa-sampurnaya namah

Aum karkata-prabhave namah

Aum avyayaya namah

Aum catur-ashrasanarudhaya namah

Aum caturaya namah

Aum divya-vahanaya namah

Aum vivasvan mandalajneya-vasaya namah

Aum vasu-samrddhi-daya namah

Aum mahesvara-priyaya namah

Aum dantaya namah

Aum meru-gotra-pradaksinaya namah

Aum graha-mandala-madhyasthaya namah

Aum grasitarkaya namah

Aum grahadhipaya namah

Aum dvija-rajaya namah

Aum dyuti-lakaya namah

Aum dvibhujaya namah

Aum dvija-pujitaya namah

Aum audumbara-nagavasaya namah

Aum udaraya namah

Aum rohini-pataye namah

Aum nityodayaya namah

Aum muni-stutyaya namah

Aum nityananda-phala-pradaya namah

Aum sakalahladana-karaya namah

Aum palashedhma-priyaya namah

Chandra seed mantra: Aum sram srim sraum sah chandraya namah.

RESULT: The planetary diety Chandra is propitiated increasing mental health and peace of mind.




Anu Pallavi


The Meaning of the Song

Oh mind! sing in praise of the Moon, Who is like the heart of pious,
who is worshipped by INDRA and LOKAPALAKAs
is the spouse of TARA and has sixteen KALAs
the creator of night; the brother of LAKSHMI; is the producer of nector-AMRTA;
Constantly sing in praise of the MOON
He is the ornament of Lord SIVA's crest; and has the cool rays;
He is the eyes of VENKATESA, born out of the mind of VIRAT, known as VIDHU,
He is the face of BRAHMA and GURUGUHA
He is the object of curse as well as blessings of BRHASPATI;
has a white body shining like the rays of autumn moon,
He adorns KANKANA- wristlet, armlet, garland and a crown;
hostile to lotus and the darling of ROHINI.