Monday 19 August 2019

Shri Sai Satcharitra -- Chapter 30

Drawn to Shirdi

(1) Kakaji Vaidya of Vani (2) Ramlal Punjabi of

In this chapter the story of two more devotees who
were drawn to Shirdi, is narrated.


Bow to the Kind Sai Who is the Abode of Mercy and Who is
affectionate towards His devotees. By His mere darshan He does away
with their fear of worldly illusions (Sansaar) and destroys their calamities.
He was first Nirgun (formless) but on account of the devotion of His
bhaktas, He was obliged to take a form. To give liberation, self-realization
to the bhaktas is the mission of the saints and for Sai, the Chief of them
that mission is inevitable. Those who take refuge in His Feet, have all
their sins destroyed and their progress is certain. Remembering His Feet
Brahmins from holy places come to Him and read scriptures and chant
the Gayatri Mantra in His presence. We who are weak and without any
merits do not know what Bhakti is, but we know this much that though
all others may leave us, Sai won’t forsake us. Those whom He favours
get enormous strength, discrimination between the unreal and the real
and knowledge.
Sai knows fully the desire of His devotees and fulfils the same.
Hence, they get what they want and are grateful. So we invoke Him and
prostrate ourselves before Him. Forgetting all our faults let Him free us
from all anxieties. He who being overcome with calamities remembers
and prays to Sai thus, will get his mind calmed and pacified through
His grace.
This Sai – the ocean of mercy, says Hemadpant favoured him, and
the result of this is the present work Sai Satcharita. Otherwise, what
qualifications had he to undertake this enterprise? But as Sai took all
the responsibility Hemadpant felt no burden nor any care about this.
When the powerful Light of Knowledge was there to inspire his speech
and pen why should he entertain any doubt or feel any anxiety? Sai got
the service in the form of this book done by him; this is due to the
accumulation of his merits in the past births and therefore, he thinks
himself fortunate and blessed.
The following story is not a mere tale but pure nectar. He who
drinks it will realize Sai’s greatness and all-pervasiveness. Those who
want to argue and criticise should not go in for this. What is wanted
here is not discussion but unlimited love and devotion. Learned devout
and faithful believers or those who consider themselves as servants of
the saints, will like and appreciate these stories, others will take them
to be fables. The fortunate bhaktas of Sai will find the Sai-leelas as the
Kalpataru (wish-fulfilling tree). Drinking in or devouring this nectar of
Sai-leelas will give liberation to the ignorant Jivas, satisfaction to the
house-holders and a sadhana to the aspirants. Now, we come to the
story of this chapter.

Kakaji Vaidya

There lived in Vani, Nasik district, a man named Kakaji Vaidya.
He was the priest of the Goddess Saptashringi, there. He was so
overpowered by adverse circumstances and calamities that he lost peace
of mind and became quite restless. Under such circumstances, one
evening, he went into the temple of the Goddess and prayed unto Her
from the bottom of his heart and invoked Her aid to free him from
anxiety. The Goddess was pleased with his devotion and the same
night appeared to him in his dream and said to him, “You go to Baba
and then your mind will become calm and composed.” Kakaji was
anxious to know from Her, Who this Baba was, but before he could get
any explanation he was awakened. Then, he began to think as to Who
might be this Baba to whom the Goddess had asked him to go. After
some thinking he resolved that this Baba might be ‘Tryambakeshwar’
(Lord Shiva). So he went to the holy place ‘Tryambak’ (Nasik district)
and stayed there for ten days. During this period he bathed early in the
morning, chanted the ‘Rudra’ hymns, did the ‘Abhishek’ (pouring fresh
water over the Pindi) and did other religious rites but with all this, he
was as restless as before. Then he returned to his place and again
invoked the Goddess most pitifully. That night She again appeared in
his dream and said, “Why did you go to Tryambakeshwar in vain? I
mean by Baba-Shri Sai Samarth of Shirdi.”
The question before Kakaji now was ‘How and when to go to
Shirdi and how to see Baba?’ If anybody is in real earnest to see a saint,
not only the saint but God also fulfils his wish. In fact the ‘Sant’ (saint)
and the ‘Anant’ (God) are one and the same, there is not the least
difference between them. If anybody thinks that he will go on his own
wish and see a saint, that will be a mere boast. Unless the saint wills
it, no one is able to go and see him. Even the leaf of the tree won’t move
without his bidding. The more anxious a bhakta is for the visit to the
saint, the more devout and faithful he is, the more speedily and effectively
is his wish satisifed to his heart’s content. He who invites anybody for
a visit, also arranges everything for his reception, and so it happened
with Kakaji.

Shama’s Vows

When Kakaji was thinking about his intended visit to Shirdi, a
guest came to him at his place to take him to Shirdi. He was no other
than Shama, a very close and intimate devotee of Baba. How he came
to Vani at this juncture, we shall just see. Shama was severely ill when
he was very young and his mother had taken a vow to her family
Goddess, Saptashringi at Vani that, if her son got well she would bring
and dedicate him at Her feet. Then, after some years the mother herself
suffered much from ring-worms on her breasts. At that time she again
took another vow to her Deity that, if she got all right she would offer
Her two silver breasts. These two vows remained unfulfilled. At her
death-bed she called her son Shama and drew his attention to the vows,
and after taking a promise from him that, he would fulfill them, she
breathed her last. After some time Shama forgot about these vows, and
thus 30 years elapsed. About this time a famous astrologer had come
to Shirdi and stayed there for a month. His predictions in the case of
Shriman Buti and others came true and everybody was satisfied. Shama’s
younger brother Bapaji, consulted him and was told about his mother’s
vows which his elder brother had promised to fulfil at her death-bed
and not yet fulfilled; hence the Goddess was displeased with them and
that was bringing troubles on them. Bapaji told this to his brother
Shama, who was then reminded of the unfulfilled vows. On thinking
that any further delay would be dangerous he called a goldsmith and
got a pair of silver breast prepared. Then, he went to the Masjid prostrated
himself before Baba and placing before Him the two silver breasts,
requested Him to accept them and free him from the vows as to him He
was his Saptashringi Goddess. Then, Baba insisted upon him to go
himself to the temple of Saptashringi and offer them at the Feet of the
Goddess. Thus, after taking Baba’s permission and Udi he left for Vani,
and while searching for the priest reached Kakaji’s house. Kakaji was
then very anxious to visit Baba and Shama went there to see him at that
very time. What a wonderful coincidence was this!
Kakaji asked him who he was and whence did he come, and on
learning that, he came from Shirdi, he at once embraced him. So
overwhelmed was he with love! Then they talked about Sai-leelas and
after finishing the rites of Shama’s vows they both started for Shirdi. On
reaching the place Kakaji went to the Masjid and fell at Baba’s Feet. His
eyes were soon bedewed with tears and his mind attained calmness.
According to the vision of the Goddess no sooner did he see Baba, then
his mind lost all its restlessness and became calm and composed.
Kakaji began to think in his mind, “What a wonderful power is this!
Baba spoke nothing, there was no question and answer, no benediciton
pronounced; the mere darshan itself was so conducive to happiness,
the restlessness of my mind disappeared by His mere darshan,
consciousness of joy came upon me – this is what is called ‘the greatness
of darshan’.” His vision was fixed on Sai’s Feet and he could utter no
word. Hearing Baba’s Leelas, his joy knew no bounds. He surrendered
himself completely to Baba, forgot his anxiety and cares and got
undiluted happiness. He lived happily there for twelve days, and after
taking Baba’s leave, Udi and blessings returned home.

Khushalchand of Rahata

It is said that a dream which we get in the wee hours of the
morning generally comes out true, in the waking state. This may be so,
but regarding Baba’s dreams there is no restriciton of time. To quote an
instance : Baba told Kakasaheb Dixit one afternoon to go to Rahata and
fetch Khushalchand to Shirdi, as He had not seen him since long.
Kakasaheb accordingly took a tonga and went to Rahata. He met
Khushalchand and gave him Baba’s message. On hearing it
Khushalchand was surprised and said that, while he was taking a
noon nap after meals, Baba appeared in his dream and asked him to
come to Shirdi immediately, and that he was anxious to go. As he had
no horse of his own nearby, he had sent his son to inform Baba. When
his son was just out of the village-border, Dixit’s tonga turned up. Dixit
then said that he was sent specially to bring him. Then, they both went
in the tonga back to Shirdi. Khushalchand saw Baba and all were
pleased. Seeing this Leela of Baba Khushalchand was much moved.

Ramlal Punjabi of Mumbai

Once a Punjabi Brahmin of Mumbai, named Ramlal, got a dream
in which Baba appeared and asked him to come to Shirdi. Baba appeared
to him as a Mahant (saint) but he did not know His whereabouts. He
thought that he should go and see Him but, as he did not have His
address he did not know what to do. But, He Who calls anybody to Him
also makes the necessary arrangements for the same. The same happened
in this case. The same afternoon when he was strolling in the street, he
saw a picture of Baba in a shop. The features of the Mahant he saw
earlier in the dream tallied exactly with those of the picture. Then on
making enquiries, he came to know that the picture was of Sai Baba of
Shirdi. He went soon after this to Shirdi and stayed there till his death.
In this way Baba brought His devotees to Shirdi for darshan and
satisfied their wants, material as well as spiritual.

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all

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