Saturday 27 July 2019

Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 15

Naradiya Kirtan Paddhati – Mr. Cholkar’s
Sugarless Tea – Two Lizards

The readers may remember that mention was made in
the 6th chapter regarding the Ram-Navami Festival in
Shirdi; how the festival originated and how in the early
years there was great difficulty in getting a good Haridas for doing
Kirtan on those occasions and how Baba permanently entrusted this
function (Kirtan) to Das Ganu and how he has been doing it successfully,
ever since. Now, in this chapter we shall describe the manner in which
Das Ganu has been doing the Kirtan.

Naradiya Kirtan Paddhati

Generally our Haridas, while doing the Kirtan, wear a Gala and
full dress. They put on a head-dress either a Pheta or a turban, a long
flowing coat with a shirt inside, an Uparani (short Dhotar) on the
shoulders and the usual long Dhotar from the waist below. After dressing
himself in this fashion for some Kirtan in the Shirdi village, Das Ganu
once went to Baba for prostrating before Him. Baba asked him, “Well,
bridegroom! Where are you going dressed so beautifully like this?” “For
doing a Kirtan”, came the reply. Then Baba said, “Why do you want
all this paraphernalia-coat, Uparani and Pheta etc. lay off all that before
Me, why wear them on the body?” Das Ganu immediately took them
off and placed them at Baba’s Feet. Thenceforth Das Ganu never wore
these things, while doing the Kirtan. He was always bare from waist
upwards, a pair of ‘Chiplis’ was in his hand and a garland round his
neck. This is not in consonance with the practice generally followed by
all the Haridas, but this is the best and the purest method. The sage
Narada from whom the Kirtan Paddhati originated, wore nothing on
his torso and head. He carried a ‘Vina’ in his hand and wandered from
place to place, singing the glory of the Lord.

Mr. Cholkar’s Sugarless Tea

Initially Baba was known in Poona and Ahmednagar districts but
Nanasaheb Chandorkar, by his word of mouth and Das Ganu by his
splendid Kirtans spread the fame of Baba in the Konkan (Mumbai
Presidency). In fact, it was Das Ganu – May God bless him – who, by
his beautiful and inimitable Kirtans, made Baba available to so many
people there. The audience, who come to hear the Kirtans, have different
tastes. Some like the erudition or learning of the Haridas, some his
gestures, some his singing, some his wit and humour, some his
preliminary dissertation on Vedanta and some his main theme and so
on; but among them there are very few, who, by hearing the Kirtan get
faith and devotion or love for God or saints. The effect of hearing Das
Ganu’s Kirtan on the minds of audience was, however, electric, as it
were. We give an instance here :

Das Ganu was once doing his Kirtan and singing the glory of Sai
Baba, in the Koupineshwar temple in Thana. One Mr. Cholkar a poor
man, serving as a temporary employee in the civil courts in Thana, was
amongst the audience. He heard Das Ganu’s Kirtan most attentively
and was much moved. He there and then, mentally bowed and vowed
to Baba saying, “Baba, I am a poor man, unable to support my family.
If by Your grace, I pass the departmental examination and get a
permanent post, I shall go to Shirdi, fall at Your Feet and distribute
sugar-candy in Your name.” As luck would have it, Mr. Cholkar did
pass the examination and did get the permanent post, and now it
remained for him to fulfil his vow, the sooner the better. Mr. Cholkar
was a poor man with a large family to support and he could not afford
to pay for the expenses of a Shirdi trip. As is well said, one can easily
cross over Nahne Ghat in Thana district or even the Sahyadri range
but it is very difficult for a poor man to cross Umbar Ghat, i.e., the
threshold of his house. As Mr. Cholkar was anxious to fulfil his vow
as early as possible, he resolved to cut down his expenses and save
money. He determined not to use sugar in his diet and began to take
his tea without it. After he was able to save some money in this way,
he came to Shirdi, took Baba’s darshan, fell at His Feet, offered a
coconut, distributed it with a clean conscience along with sugar-candy,
as per his vow and said to Baba that he was much pleased with His
darshan and that his desires were fulfilled that day. Mr. Cholkar was
in the Masjid with his host Bapusaheb Jog. When the host and the guest
both got up and were about to leave the Masjid, Baba spoke to Jog as
follows, “Give him (your guest) cup of tea fully saturated with sugar.”
Hearing these significant words Mr. Cholkar was much moved, he was
wonderstruck, his eyes were bedewed with tears and he fell at Baba’s
Feet again. Mr. Jog was also curious about this direction. Baba wanted
by His words to create faith and devotion in Cholkar’s mind. He hinted
as it were that, He got the sugar-candy as per his vow and that He knew
fully well his secret determination not to use sugar in his diet. Baba
meant to say, “If you spread your palms with devotion before Me, I
am immediately with you, day and night. Though, I am here physically,
still I know what you do beyond the seven seas. Go wherever you
wish, over the wide world, I am with you. My abode is in your heart
and I am within you. Always worship Me, Who is seated in your heart
as well as in the hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate indeed
is he, who knows Me thus.”
What a beautiful and important lesson Baba had, thus imparted
to Mr. Cholkar

Two Lizards

Now we close this chapter with a story of two little lizards. Once
Baba was sitting in the Masjid. A devotee sat in front of Him, when a
lizard tick-ticked. Out of curiosity the devotee asked Baba, whether this
tick-ticking of the lizard signified anything good or was it a bad omen?
Baba said that the lizard was overjoyed as her sister from Aurangabad
was coming to see her. The devotee sat silent not making out the
meaning of Baba’s words. Immediately a gentleman from Aurangabad
came on horse-back to see Baba. He wanted to proceed further, but his
horse would not go as it was hungry and wanted grams. He took out
a bag of grams from his shoulders to bring grams and dashed it on the
ground to remove dirt. A lizard came out from there and in the presence
of all, climbed up the wall. Baba asked the questioner devotee to mark
her well. She at once, went strutting to her sister. Both sisters met each
other after a long time, kissed and embraced each other, whirled round
and danced with love! Where is Shirdi and where is Aurangabad for
the lizard? How should the man on horse back come there from
Aurangabad with the lizard? And how should Baba make the prophecy
of the meeting of the two sisters? All this is really very wonderful and
proves the omniscience – the all-knowing nature of Baba.

Post Script

He, who respectfully reads this chapter or studies it daily, will get
all his miseries removed by the grace of the Sadguru Sai Baba.
Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all

Shri Sai Satcharitra - Chapter 11


Sai as Sagun Brahma – Dr. Pandit’s Worship – Haji Siddik Falke – Control over the Elements

Let us now, in this chapter, describe the manifested (Sagun) Brahma Sai, as to how He was worshipped and how He controlled the elements.

Sai as Sagun Brahma

There are two aspects of God or Brahma : (1) the Unmanifested
(Nirgun) and (2) the Manifested (Sagun). The Nirgun is formless, while
the Sagun is with form, though, both denote the same Brahma. Some
prefer to worship the former, some the latter. As stated in the Gita
(chapter XIII) the worship of the latter is easy and preferable. As man
has got a form (body, senses, etc.), it is natural and easy for him to
worship the God with form. Our love and devotion do not develop,
unless we worship Sagun Brahma, for a certain period of time, and as
we advance, it leads us to the worship (meditation) of Nirgun Brahma.
So, let us start with Sagun worship. Image, altar, fire, light, sun, water,
Brahma are the seven objects of worship; but Sadguru is better than all
these. Let us, on this occasion, bring to our mind the form of Sai, Who
was non-attachment Incarnate, and Who was a resting-place for His
devotees. Our faith in His words is the Asan; and our Sankalpa
(determination to accomplish the Puja) is the abandonment of all our
desires. Some say that Sai was a Bhagwad-bhakta (devotee of the Lord),
others say He was a Maha-bhagwat (a great devotee); but to us He is
God Incarnate. He was ever forgiving, never irritable, straight, soft,
tolerant and content beyond comparison. Though, He looked embodied
(as having the form), He was really dis-embodied, emotionless,
unattached and internally free. The Ganges on its way to the sea, cools
and refreshes the creatures affected with heat, gives life to the crops and
trees, and quenches the thirst of many. Similarly, saints (Souls) like Sai,
while they live their own, give solace and comfort to all. Lord Krishna
has said that the saint is My soul, My living image, I am He or He is
My pure form (Being). This in-describable Shakti or Power of God,
known as Pure Existence, Knowledge and Bliss, incarnated in the form
of Sai in Shirdi. The Shruti (Taittiriya Upanishad) describes Brahma as
Pure Bliss. This, we read or hear daily in the books, but the devout
people experienced this Brahma or Bliss in Shirdi. Baba, the Support of
all, required no prop or Asan from anybody. He always used a piece of
sack-cloth for His seat, which was covered with a small mattress by
His bhaktas and had a bolster, placed by them, rest as His back. Baba
respected the feelings of His devotees and allowed them to worship
Him as they liked. Some waved Chamar or fans before Him, some
played on musical instruments, some washed His hands and Feet,
some others applied scent and Chandan, some gave betelnut with
leaves, and some others offered Naivaidya. Though, He looked like
living in Shirdi, He was present everywhere. This all-pervasiveness of
His was daily experienced by His devotees. Our humble prostration to
this all-pervasive Sadguru.

Dr. Pandit’s Worship

One Dr. Pandit, a friend of Tatyasaheb Noolkar, once came to
Shirdi for Baba’s darshan. After saluting Baba, he sat in the Masjid for
some time. Baba asked him to go to Dadabhat Kelkar. He went to
Dadabhat, by whom he was well received. Then, Dadabhat left his
house for Puja and Dr. Pandit accompanied him. Dadabhat worshipped
Baba. Nobody, until then, dared to apply sandal paste to Baba’s
forehead. Only Mhalsapati used to apply it to His neck. But, this simplehearted,
Dr. Pandit, took Dadabhat’s dish containing Puja-materials
and taking sandal-paste out of it, drew a Tripund, i.e., three horizontal
lines on Baba’s forehead. To the surprise of all, Baba kept silent, not
uttering a single word. Then, Dadabhat, that evening, asked Baba,
“How is it, that, though You object to the sandal-paste, being applied
by others to Your forehead; You allowed Dr. Pandit to do so?” Baba
replied that Dr. Pandit believed Him to be the same as his Guru,
Raghunath Maharaj of Dhopeshwar, known as Kaka Puranik and he
applied the paste to His forehead, as he was doing to his Guru. Hence,
He could not object. On enquiry, Dr. Pandit told Dadabhat that he took
Baba as his Guru Kaka Puranik and realized Him as the same hence,
he marked the Tripund on Baba’s forehead, as he did on his Guru’s.
Though, Baba allowed the devotee to worship Him as they pleased,
still some times, He acted in a strange way. Some times, He threw away
the Puja-dish and was wrath Incarnate, then, who could approach
Him? Some times, He scolded the devotees; at times, He looked softer
than wax, a statue of peace and forgiveness. Though, He seemed to
shake with anger and His red eyes rolled round, still, He was internally,
an ocean of affection and motherly love. He would call out His devotees
and say, that He never knew, when He was ever angry with them. If
it was possible that mothers could kick their children and the sea
turn back the river He too could neglect the devotees’ welfare; that He, the
Slave of His devotees, always stood by them, and responded to them,
whenever they called upon Him and that, He always longed for their

Haji Siddik Falke

There was no knowing, as to when Baba would accept a devotee.
That depended on His will. Siddik Falke’s story is to the point. One
Mohammeden gentleman, by name Siddik Falke of Kalyan, after making
pilgrimage to Mecca and Madina, came to Shirdi. He lived in the
Chavadi, facing north and sat in the open court-yard of the Masjid. For
nine months, Baba ignored him and did not allow him to step into the
Masjid. Falke felt disconsolate and did not know, what to do. Somebody
advised him not to be disappointed but to try to approach Baba through
Shama (Madhavrao Deshpande), a close and intimate devotee of Baba.
He told him that as they approach the Lord Shiva through his servant
and devotee, Nandi, so should Baba be approached through Shama.
Falke liked the idea and implored Shama to intercede for him. Shama
agreed and on a convenient occasion spoke to Baba about him thus,
“Baba, why don’t You allow the old Haji to step into the Masjid, while
so many persons freely come and go, after taking Your darshan; why
not bless him once?” Baba replied, “Shama, you are immature to
understand things. If the Fakir (Allah) does not allow, what can I do?
Without His grace, who will climb into the Masjid? Well, go to him and
ask him, whether he will come to the narrow footpath near the Barvi
well.” Shama went and returned with an affirmative answer. Again
Baba said to Shama, “Ask him, whether he is willing to pay Me the sum
of Rs. 40,000/- in four instalments”. Shama went and returned with the
answer, that he was willing to pay even forty lacs. Again Baba said to
Shama, “We are going to cut a goat in the Masjid, so, ask him, whether
he would like to have its meat haunch or testicles of the goat.” Shama
returned with the answer that the Haji would be happy to receive a
small crumb from Baba’s Kolamba (mudpot). Hearing this, Baba got
excited and with His hands threw away the earthen jars and Kolamba,
and straightway advanced to the Haji and lifting His Kafni up in arms
said, “Why do you brag and pose yourself as an old Haji? Do you read
Quran like this? You are proud of your pilgrimage to Mecca; but you
do not know Me.” Being thus scolded, the Haji was confounded. Baba,
then, went back to the Masjid, purchased a basket of mangoes and sent
them to the Haji. Then again, Baba went to the Haji, and taking out Rs.
55/- from His pocket, gave them in Haji’s hand. Thenceforth, Baba
loved the Haji, invited him for meals and the Haji, thereafter, came into
the Masjid, whenever he liked. Baba gave him at times some rupees and
thus, the Haji was enrolled in Baba’s Darbar.

Baba’s Control over the Elements

We shall close this chapter, after describing two incidents, showing
Baba’s control over the elements. (1) Once, at evening time, there was
a terrible storm at Shirdi. The sky was overcast with thick black clouds.
Winds began to blow with great force, clouds roared and lightening
began to flash and rains started pouring in torrents. In a short time, the
whole place was flooded with water. All creatures, birds, beasts and
men got terribly frightened, and they all flocked to the Masjid for shelter.
There are many local Deities in Shirdi but none of them came to their
rescue. So, they all prayed to Baba – their God, Who was fond of their
devotion, to intercede and quell the storm. Baba was much moved. He
came out and standing at the edge of the Masjid, addressed the storm
in a loud and thunderous voice, “Stop, stop your fury and be calm!”
In a few minutes, the rains subsided, the winds ceased to blow, and the
storm came to a stop. Then, the moon rose in the sky and people went
back home well-pleased. (2) On another occasion at noon the fire in the
Dhuni began to burn brightly, its flames were seen to be reaching the
rafters above.The people who were sitting in the Masjid, did not know,
what do do. They dared not to ask Baba to pour water or do anything
to quench the flames. But Baba soon came to realize, what was
happening. He took up His Satka (short stick) and dashed it against a
pillar in front, saying, “Get down, Be calm”. At each stroke of the Satka,
the flames began to slow down, and in a few minutes the Dhuni became
calm and normal.

This is our Sai, an Incarnation of God. He will bless any man, who
will prostrate and surrender himself to Him. He, who will read the
stories of this chapter daily, with faith and devotion, will soon be free
from all calamities not only this, but always attached and devoted to
Sai, he will get very soon God-vision, all his desires will be fulfilled and
being ultimately desireless, he will attain the Supreme. Amen!

Bow to Shri Sai – Peace be to all